Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Day of School...It's Coming!

I'm excited, aren't you? Some of us are already starting on Monday while others still have a couple of weeks of freedom! What are you going to do for fun until school starts? Well, here is something to help you get the new year started.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Physical Activity Legislation...My Brain Hurts!

photo by iconolatry

Need info on legislation in your state regarding physical activity?This site might help you out to keep up on the happenings that might affect you!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I Do This...Kids Love It!

photo by KidsConnect

I found this movement podcast on iTunes done by an adaptive PE teacher. All my primary students are down with it enthusiastically. Check it out!

PE and Technology...Are You Doing It?

photo by cayusa

Recently, a colleague of mine introduced me to Classroom 2.0 which explores collaborative technologies in education through a social networking setting. I haven't had a chance to really delve into it yet, but it looks interesting enough to share. I'm interested in this because I would like to learn how other PE teachers are incorporating technology in lessons.Do you have any experience with this site or know of any others that address the needs of PE teachers?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Fit Kids!

Here is a site I found that might be of interest to parents. They really need to be involved to help us in our journey of helping kids to desire fitness in their lives.

US News and World Report - Happy Kids...Check it out!

Wii Fit

Have you considered incorporating the Wii Fit technology into your program? There are a couple of schools in my district who are using it and have had great results with student participation and enthusiasm. They got them through grants. Here is an example of a teacher who did this here.

Friday, August 8, 2008

This is my inaugural post!

I'm a PE teacher who wants to learn and share what works, what doesn't and just to kick it in general.
This blog is basically a way to share resources and ideas with other folks about elementary school physical education and shoot the breeze with other like-minded folk. More to come!